At the fast food restaurant

Troisième dialogue en anglais.

At the fast-food restaurant

- Good evening, are you ready to order ?
- I’d like a bacon and cheese burger and a large French fries.
- Ketchup or mustard ?
- Ketchup please.
- Anything else ?
- A strawberry milkshake, please.
- Anything to drink ?
- A small orange juice with ice, please.
- Here you are ! Seven pounds fifty, please.

At the fast food restaurant

At the restaurant

Un autre dialogue en anglais… Vous devez vous entraîner à le lire.

At the restaurant

- Good evening, Sir.
- Can I have a look at the menu ?
- Here you are, Sir. The soup of the day is a pea soup.
- I don’t want soup ; I’d rather have the mixed salad.
- What about some roast chicken with potato chips and carrots ?
- That sounds good !
- For dessert we’ve got fruit, a delicious apple pie with vanilla ice-cream and a great chocolate cake.
- I think I’ll have the chocolate cake.
- Excellent choice ! Can I get you anything to drink ?
- A glass of beer, please.

At the restaurant

Dialogue n°1 mars 2016

  • Good morning, Bob. What do you want in your lunchbox today ?
    - Can I have a bacon and cheese sandwich, Mum ?
    - Sorry, there is no bacon. What about chicken and cheese ?
    - Fine !
    - What do you want for dessert ?
    - I’d like an apple and a cereal bar, please.
    Dialogue 1

Dialogue n°2 mars 2016

  • Good evening, are you ready to order ?
    - Yes please. I’d like a chicken wrap and a small French Fry.
    - Ketchup or barbecue sauce ?
    - Ketchup please.
    - Anything else ?
    - A chocolate muffin, please.
    - Anything to drink ?
    - A medium orange juice, please.
    - Here you are ! £ 8.50 (eight pounds fifty), please.
dialogue 2

Dialogue n°3 - avril 2016

- Good evening, Sir.
- Can I have the menu, please ?
- Here you are, Sir. We’ve got an excellent carrot soup for a starter.
- I don’t like carrot soup ; I’ll have the cucumber salad.
- What about some roast beef with mashed potatoes and tomatoes ?
- Well… I think I’ll have fish and chips.
- For dessert we’ve got fruit salad, a delicious apple pie with vanilla ice-cream and a fantastic banana cake.
- I’ll have the apple pie.
- Excellent choice ! Anything to drink ?
- A glass of water please.

dialogue n°3